This past weekend a friend of mine asked me to spend the day at her son's elementary school's fair. There were lots of games and booths set up around the field and mine was labeled the "photo booth". She borrowed a white couch from a friend and someone donated the back drop (which blew off by the end of the day). The fair was a tribute to those Americans serving our country hence the patriotic props...Anyway, it was less successful than I was hoping as far as promoting my new business, but the few people who came over LOVE their pictures which makes me happy! Here are some of my favorites....
Meet Dana and Abby, some friends from our Church in RB. Dana's husband is in the military and spends many months away from these beautiful ladies. Dana is an amazing mom and clearly has a special bond with this little cutie pie. We hiked out to Lake Hodges last weekend for some frolicking around in the fields. It was a beautiful summery day, perfect for some little naked baby shots. Thanks again, Dana. It was super fun hanging out with you. I admire you so much for your strength... you are truly an amazing woman!